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Find the perfect educator preparation program.
Partner educator preparation providers with programs to explore
Key ways to compare programs
Certification endorsements available by grade level and subject
The ABCs of EPPs

Let’s start at the very beginning (it’s a very good place to start).
What’s an EPP?
An educator preparation program (EPP) equips you with the skills and knowledge to teach in your chosen grade and subject. If you’re just starting your career, you need to meet certification requirements from a state-approved EPP to lead a classroom, and it all starts with choosing a program.
What’s the difference between attending a program and getting certified to teach?
Completing an educator preparation program is one of four steps to getting certified to teach in Connecticut. If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry, we’ll be with you the whole time.
What types of programs are there?
There are educator preparation programs that cater to almost anyone’s life situation, but the most common are:
- Undergraduate, Bachelor’s degree
- Five-year, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree
- Post-baccalaureate, Master’s degree
- Post-baccalaureate, Alternative route to certification (non-credit)
Head over to About Programs to learn more.
What criteria should I use when looking for an educator preparation program?
Every program offers its own unique approach to educator preparation, but you can still compare them. As you compare different programs, consider how well each program prepares you to be learner-ready, successfully complete edTPA, and:
- Offers robust, hands-on, clinical experiences in the classroom, where you can observe and practice with a teacher who is effective and experienced.
- Prepares you to work with a wide range of student populations by providing you with clinical experiences in a variety of settings.
- Provides an experienced mentor/coach who gives meaningful feedback during your preparation process.
- Shows commitment to continuous improvement using data-driven practices to improve features of their educator preparation programs for the benefit of students.
For the 2020-21 school year only, the cut score requirement on edTPA has been waived due to COVID-19.
Check out Explore Programs to find your match.

We partnered with 15 educator preparation providers in Connecticut that are ready for you to discover. Check out our list to start your search. Each program profile provides an overview of what to expect, like hands-on experience, preparation for diverse populations and insider info from current students or alumni.

Some programs have rolling deadlines, and others only accept applications a few times a year. Review all partner Connecticut educator preparation program deadlines in one place. If you’re ready to apply, start an application checklist.

Want some 1-on-1 advice? We’ve got you covered by phone, video and email (text coming soon!). Sign up to discuss your program options and get reminders when it comes time to make moves.
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“It was a huge moment, because in the past I have often been discouraged if it feels too daunting to ask a question or get the right advice.”
Marissa WikesTEACH Coaching user
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