Eagle Hill School - Greenwich

Eagle Hill School - Greenwich

Hear from Maureen Nisch about the supportive culture and environment of Eagle Hill School.

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Meet Maureen Nisch

Teacher Ambassador

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I love that classes at Eagle Hill-Greenwich are small, intimate and truly individualized to maximize growth and development for each student. Also, being a teacher at Eagle Hill is more than just a position for me, it's a lifestyle: a family-oriented culture that cares about my personal well-being as well as my professional growth as a teacher.

Maureen Nisch


  • Upper School Tutorial Teacher


  • Radford University


  • 2009-2010 Charlotte M. Hamill Scholarship, Reading Specialist Program, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Presenter at Learning Disabilities of America conferences (2011, 2013, 2014, 2018) and National Council of Teachers of English conference (2016)

Teacher Certification Program

Why I Teach

I've always aspired to be surrounded by people who love to learn and grow. It was a natural progression in my life's journey to become a teacher. 

I started my professional career as a high school English Language Arts teacher. While this position was rewarding and an important step in my growth in the educational field, I underwent a transformation when I realized I wanted to specialize in helping students who struggle with language-based learning differences.  

With that mindset, I sought out the best graduate-level reading specialist program I could find and now dedicate my life to helping students become thoughtful, independent readers who think critically about text and information. 

It is a joy to see students overcome mental and emotional battles with themselves when they realize that they can be successful at anything they attempt. I am most inspired by my students because they teach me every day that, with a little encouragement, support and understanding, anything is possible.   

Eagle Hill School by the numbers

  • 250

    Engaged Learners

  • 48,000

    New Teacher Starting Salary

  • 70

    Dedicated Teachers

About Eagle Hill School

More than 120 faculty members, administrators and staff work at Eagle Hill, and all are committed to a program that is both child-driven and child-friendly. There is a true atmosphere of collegiality within the EHS community. 

An integrated team of teachers, advisors and administrators ensures that each child receives the most targeted and comprehensive education we can provide, within an environment that encourages growth, respect and self-advocacy. 

Our teachers are well-versed in every leading remedial program, allowing us to utilize the resources and teachers best suited to a student at every step along their educational journey with us.

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