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Meriden Public Schools

Meriden Public Schools

Hear from Krista Vermeal about bringing passion into work every day at Meriden Public Schools.

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Meet Krista Vermeal

Teacher Ambassador

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I strongly believe that teachers need each other to make our jobs as rewarding as they can be. Teachers depend on and learn from one another. In Meriden, I am lucky enough to work with some of the best educators I know—teachers who bring their heart into their work every day.

Krista Vermeal


  • 4th Grade Elementary Teacher


  • Central Connecticut State University


  • Certified Responsive Classroom Teacher
  • 2016 Teacher of the Year, Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
  • Vice President for Elementary Teachers, Meriden Federation of Teachers
  • TEAM Mentor

Teacher Certification Program

Why I Teach

My students come to school every day ready to learn and eager to be engaged. They put forth their best effort every day and are active participants in their own learning. I love sharing our classroom space with them and seeing them develop as learners and citizens of our classroom, our school, and our city.