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Central Connecticut State University

Central Connecticut State University


Founded in 1849 as the New Britain Normal School Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) is Connecticut’s oldest publicly-supported institution of higher education. The school became the Teachers College of Connecticut in 1933 when it began offering four-year baccalaureate degrees.

In 2016, CCSU’s undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation programs were ranked as the highest-rated teacher preparation program in the state by ToBecomeATeacher.org. Comprised of four schools—Business; Education & Professional Studies; Engineering, Science & Technology; and the Carol Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences—CCSU offers undergraduate and graduate programs through the master's degree and sixth-year levels, and an EdD in Educational Leadership.

CCSU is a vibrant, learning-centered community dedicated to the liberal arts and sciences, and to education for the professions. CCSU’s mission focuses on development and application of knowledge and ideas through research and outreach activities. We prepare students to be thoughtful, responsible and successful citizens. Education at the undergraduate and graduate levels balances academic challenge and personal support, leading students to become thoughtful, responsible and successful citizens. The faculty's commitment to scholarly inquiry ensures the intellectual vitality of our classrooms.

  • College or University
  • New Britain, CT

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
Dana Malave Ambassador of CCSU

Central Connecticut State University’s Education Program not only helped me learn how to teach, they taught me what it takes to become an educator. They value the importance of providing educative, mindful, creative, and authentic content for all students. I am proud to say that I am an undergraduate and now graduate student at CCSU.

Dana Malave

Central Connecticut State University


Bachelor’s & certification

Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program

  • 48 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links

Program Info

The following Central Teaching Practices are the cornerstone of CCSU’s teacher preparation programs: 

  • Central to Planning for Learning: Central teachers plan engaging instruction that is responsive to students’ needs and backgrounds.
  • Central to Instruction: Central teachers implement instruction that fosters student engagement while checking for understanding and adjusting instruction.
  • Central to Assessing Learning: Central teachers select and develop equitable methods to assess student learning.
  • Central to Creating a Positive Learning Environment: Central teachers build on students’ cultural, personal and community assets to support independence and interdependence in learning for all students.
  • Central to the Professional Responsibilities of Teaching: Central teachers interact collaboratively in professional roles beyond the classroom, developing goals for professional growth and a plan to pursue them.

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Deadlines

    Program Start

  • Sep. 10, 2025

  • Feb. 10, 2026


Get Deadline Reminders

Application Fee & Annual Tuition

Learn how to get$100 Back
and apply for a$1000 Scholarship

  • $10,616

    In State Tuition

  • $23,124

    Out of State Tuition

  • $50

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at Central Connecticut State University have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with Central Connecticut State University to see if you can, too!


CCSU Foundation Scholarships

Over 25 CCSU Foundation Scholarships are available to students once they have been formally accepted into the professional program.

Work Study

Work study opportunities are available for eligible students.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office


Art, Grades Pre-K-12
Biology, Grades 4-12
Chemistry, Grades 4-12
Earth Science, Grades 4-12
Elementary, Grades Pre-K-6
English, Grades 4-12
French, Grades 4-12
General Science, Grades 4-12
German, Grades 4-12
History & Social Studies, Grades 4-12
Italian, Grades 4-12
Mathematics, Grades 4-12
Music, Grades Pre-K-12
Physical Education, Grades Pre-K-12
Physics, Grades 4-12
Spanish, Grades 4-12
Technology Education, Grades Pre-K-12
For more information, visit: Admissions

Program Semesters/Steps Overview

CCSU's teacher preparation programs are grounded in carefully planned and sequenced coursework that provides students with rich learning opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions of the teaching profession. Thoughtfully designed field-based practice opportunities increase in complexity and culminate in a semester-long clinical student teaching placement. Field-based preparation opportunities are carefully sequenced across a variety of school placements and grade levels.

Program Hallmarks


  • Male

  • Female



  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Black

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  • Two or more races








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