Waterbury Public Schools
Hear from Andre Foote about how where he teaches at Waterbury Public Schools is just as important as why he teaches.
Meet Andre Foote
Teacher Ambassador
Waterbury Public Schools has some of the best teachers and students in the world. Teaching here has opened my eyes to the amazing opportunities a teacher has to positively impact the life of a child.
- K-5th Grade Music Teacher
- 2020 Teacher of the Year
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
As I consider why I teach, I find that all of my reasons for why are actually reasons for where. The desire, passion and ideals I have surrounding my job sadly do not stand true under all circumstances, but rather must be considered through the lens of where I teach.
Teaching music brings my students and I joy. I can’t think of anything better than being in a classroom filled with students laughing, singing, making music and playing games. When all is said and done, teaching is so much fun! I teach because my students need to see me. Being an African American and Hispanic male in a school whose population is made up of mostly African American and Latino students means something. It's important that my students not only see teachers who look like them, but that they receive the opportunity to be encouraged, inspired and challenged to pursue excellence (all jobs of a teacher) by someone who looks like and has similar shared experiences as them.
Because of where I teach, I see the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of my students in a way that I couldn’t do otherwise anywhere else. I see need and an opportunity to help. I see kids who just need an equal chance. I say all of this not because I pity my students, but because I see their potential and want to pull it out of them. They deserve nothing less. I have hope that my ideals, one day, might not need to be tied to bridging disparity gaps, providing equal opportunity and finding purpose in places of deep need. Unfortunately, for now, this statement is not true and it's because of this very fact that I choose to teach each and every day.