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University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut

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The Neag School of Education stands out as a major contributor to instructional and research excellence at the University of Connecticut, one of the nation’s leading public higher education institutions. With academic departments dedicated to educational leadership, educational psychology, and curriculum and instruction, the Neag School offers a five-year Integrated Bachelor's/Master's program in teacher education and a one-year, post-baccalaureate teacher education program in critical shortage areas.

The Neag School of Education appears for the seventh consecutive year as one of the top 20 public graduate schools of education in the United States, tied at no. 17, per the 2023 U.S. News & World Report rankings. Among all graduate schools of education across the nation, the Neag School stands at no. 28, while its special education program is tied at no. 17 in the U.S. News 2023 specialty program category rankings.

  • College or University
  • Avery Point, Stamford, Hartford, Waterbury, Storrs, CT

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
Michael Fenn

All of the professors and teachers throughout the program were current classroom teachers or building administrators, so a great deal of what I learned was highly relevant to the current atmosphere of public schools.

Michael Fenn

University of Connecticut


Master’s & certification

Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates

  • 11 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person, Online, Hybrid

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links

Program Info

The Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG) is a full-time, one-year intensive master’s program that prepares college graduates to teach in a certification area.

Certification areas include Special Education (PK-12), Agricultural Education (grades PK-12), and Secondary Education (grades 7-12) in these subject areas: English, Math, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, Physics), Social Studies, and World Languages (French, German, Italian, Latin, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish).

The program is offered at UConn’s regional campuses in Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford and Waterbury. New cohorts begin every summer.

Candidates in the program earn Connecticut Teacher Certification and a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction or Educational Psychology (Special Education students). The program involves three consecutive semesters of coursework: Summer Semester, Fall Semester & Spring Semester.

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Deadlines

    Program Start

  • Feb. 01, 2026


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Application Fee & Annual Tuition

Learn how to get$100 Back
and apply for a$1000 Scholarship

  • $27,000

    In State Tuition

  • $75

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at University of Connecticut have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with University of Connecticut to see if you can, too!



Grants, Stipends, Scholarships

For information about scholarship opportunities, visit Scholarships on the University of Connecticut website.


Student Loans, Payroll Deduction

Visit Loans on the University of Connecticut website for information.


Work Study, Working While Still Enrolled


Tuition Waiver

Military veterans and certain members of the Connecticut Air/Army National Guard in good standing who meet certain criteria are eligible for tuition waivers at the University of Connecticut. Waivers cover only the costs of tuition for accredited programs at Undergraduate and Graduate levels. Visit veterans.uconn.edu for more information.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office


Agriculture, Grades Pre-K-12
Biology, Grades 4-12
Chemistry, Grades 4-12
Comprehensive Special Education, Grades Pre-K-12
Earth Science, Grades 4-12
English, Grades 4-12
French, Grades 4-12
General Science, Grades 4-12
German, Grades 4-12
History & Social Studies, Grades 4-12
Italian, Grades 4-12
Latin & Classical Humanities, Grades 4-12
Mandarin Chinese, Grades 4-12
Mathematics, Grades 4-12
Physics, Grades 4-12
Spanish, Grades 4-12
For more information, visit: Admissions


  • Male

  • Female



  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Black

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  • Two or more races








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